INTERPOL’s Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files (CCF’s) third session of the year occurred from October 16th to the 20th. As no further sessions are publicly scheduled for this year, this will likely be the last session during which the CCF will review INTERPOL notice subjects’ requests for notice removal and access to information.
INTERPOL Red Notices removed in multinational Middle Eastern case
Miami, Florida, U.S.A.- Estlund Law, P.A., has achieved the removal of Red Notices in the case of a client who was being corruptly pursued by a powerful adversary in multiple countries in the Middle East.
The client, a U.S. national, is…
Lyon, France- CCF decisions from 2021 Summer Session are being issued
INTERPOL’s CCF (the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files) has begun issuing its decisions from the most recent session.
The most recent session was held from 28 June through 2 July, and we began receiving decisions last week. The new decisions show:
- The CCF is continuing to thoroughly examine the claims in the
INTERPOL Red Notices and travel- will authorities still stop me after the notice has been removed?
A primary concern for clients who seek to remove Red Notices from INTERPOL’s databases is what happens after they succeed in their efforts. There are many purposes for seeking the removal of a Red Notice, but a main focus for most clients is to be able to travel more easily and without the concern that…
INTERPOL and attorneys- does your attorney designation affect the CCF’s processing of your case?
One of the most personal aspects of an INTERPOL case concerns a Red Notice subject’s decison about attorney representation. On that topic, a reader sent in the following question:
Can a termination of legal representation of a lawyer after the submission of the application form to the CCF ( deletion request) and before the first
INTERPOL Red Notice removal and why Red Notices are sometimes wrongly issued
One of the most frequent questions people have about INTERPOL Red Notices is how a Red Notice can be issued in a case where the prosecution was politically motivated. The question is a valid one, particularly given INTERPOL’s prohibition of involvement in political cases. INTERPOL specifies in one of its fact sheets, here, that:…
INTERPOL’s Red Notices and requests for removal based on political motivation
A attorney/reader recently sent in this question on the topic of publicly available information on Red Notices, in relation to an individual wanted by authorities in a particular country:
My question is whether there is any tabulation of Red Notices that have been revoked/rescinded because of the Article 3 political repression nature of the issuance.
INTERPOL Red Notice removal cases- a sample of results from 2016, part 3
As the year begins, and changes appear to be coming to both INTERPOL and the CCF,* Red Notice Law Journal reviews some highlights from the CCF’s activity in 2016:
Third case study: a comparison of the CCF’s treatment of Russian Red Notice requests:
In today’s post, I’ll compare two very different decisions from the…
INTERPOL and politically motivated Red Notices- what we can learn from INTERPOL’s annual reports
A reader recently posed some questions about INTERPOL’s dissemination of information, and those questions are answered in today’s post.
Q: There has not been an annual report 2015 by Interpol so far – are there probably other sources that can tell numbers of red notices and diffusions issued in 2015 and numbers of valid notices/diffusions
INTERPOL can expect more politically motivated requests from Venezuela – this time with sights on Kimberly-Clark representatives
Venezuela’s president, Nicolas Maduro, has threatened to at least attempt to continue Venezuela’s abuse of INTERPOL’s Red Notice system.
The paper product supplier Kimberly-Clark stopped production in Venezuela several weeks ago, in the midst of Venezuela’s worsening economic crisis. Venezuelans already wait for hours in lines on a daily basis in an effort to obtain…