Late last year, after growing increasingly frustrated with the CCF’s uncharacteristically delayed responses to both access requests and removal requests, we inquired directly to the CCF as to the Commission’s seeming lack of compliance with Article 40(3) of the Statute on the CCF, which requires notification to the parties when the required deadlines are not
Red Notices
Brazil, Turkey and Nigeria- examples of INTERPOL member countries abusing Red Notices to target journalists
Member countries abusing Red Notices to target reporters is a particularly heinous form of repression and political persecution. Today’s post will address specific instances of INTERPOL’s tools being used to silence or retaliate against journalists.
This issue’s prevalence has led RNLJ to cover it in the past. In 2018, Turkey’s Red Notice request against reporter…
China: INTERPOL Red Notice abuse and government seizing assets (Post 2 of 2)
In our last post, we addressed the ongoing issue of China’s abuse of Red Notices against people who owned very successful businesses and against dissidents. Today, we’ll consider a primary goal of certain criminal cases being filed against those individuals: asset seizure.
In China and much of the world, a person’s assets may be…
Global Entry Cards, Visas, and INTERPOL Red Notices- Post 2 of 2
For many, Global Entry cards and visas are essential for smooth travel from international origins into the United States. However, when an individual is the subject of an INTERPOL Red Notice, these travel privileges can come under threat. This blog post explores how a Red Notice can lead to the revocation of Global Entry cards…
Global Entry Cards, Visas, and Red Notices- Post 1 of 2
In an increasingly globalized world, travel and international mobility are more essential than ever. Programs such as the United States’ Global Entry trusted traveler program, which expedite customs and immigration processes so people may enter the US, and various visas facilitate smooth cross-border movement. However, for individuals facing serious legal issues, these conveniences can suddenly…
Join us on July 22 for a panel on the latest developments in INTERPOL’s fight against transnational repression
A presentation of the National Security Committee and Criminal Justice Section
Committee on International Criminal Law
On July 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EDT, Michelle Estlund will be joining fellow panelists in a discussion about the latest developments in INTERPOL’s efforts aimed at curbing transnational repression and abuse of its…
Lyon, France: Who’s in Charge of INTERPOL?(Part 2 of 3)- The roles and responsibilities of the CCF
The first post in this series discussed the roles of the different bodies within INTERPOL and how they work. Today’s post will detail how Red Notice subjects primarily interact with INTERPOL.
Red Notice Law Journal has previously discussed the fact that Red Notice subjects’ main concern is the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL Files…
Moldova: Officials Arrested for bribery related to INTERPOL Red Notices
Moldova police have recently arrested officials who allegedly accepted bribes in an international conspiracy to allow criminals to bypass INTERPOL Red Notices.
The officials are believed to have accepted bribes totaling several million U.S. dollars in exchange for offering criminals safe harbor in Moldova from Red Notices issued in their names, or for deleting the…
United States and France- Reputational Repair After an INTERPOL Win: Online Reputation (Part 3 of 3)
Our last two posts in this series discussed how a Red Notice can have a residual effect on an individual. Those posts detailed the effects on a person’s financial abilities and lasting inaccurate data within a government’s databases. Today’s post will detail the lasting damages a Red Notice has on an individual’s online reputation.
United States and Lyon, France: Reputational Repair After an INTERPOL Red Notice Win: Banking and Finances (Part 1 of 3)
After INTERPOL deletes a Red Notice, whether due to it being politically motivated or otherwise improperly requested, INTERPOL’s member countries are notified of the deletion. This should be reflected in each country’s records, but this is not always the case. …
Continue Reading United States and Lyon, France: Reputational Repair After an INTERPOL Red Notice Win: Banking and Finances (Part 1 of 3)