In our last post, we addressed the ongoing issue of China’s abuse of Red Notices against people who owned very successful businesses and against dissidents. Today, we’ll consider a primary goal of certain criminal cases being filed against those individuals: asset seizure. 

In China and much of the world, a person’s assets may be

Our last post discussed the financial difficulties that may remain following Red Notice removal. Today’s post will similarly detail the residual effect of Red Notices in government and police databases. 

Once INTERPOL’s CCF has determined that an individual’s case is either not truly criminal, politically motivated, or without sufficient legal information to sustain a Red

After INTERPOL deletes a Red Notice, whether due to it being politically motivated or otherwise improperly requested, INTERPOL’s member countries are notified of the deletion. This should be reflected in each country’s records, but this is not always the case.
Continue Reading United States and Lyon, France: Reputational Repair After an INTERPOL Red Notice Win: Banking and Finances (Part 1 of 3)

As the previous post in this series addressed the systems in place to prevent INTERPOL abuse and Secretary General  Jürgen Stock’s recent comments on that topic, today’s post will focus on what is needed for these reforms to be effective. 

After INTERPOL’s Secretary General Jürgen Stock’s reform efforts had been integrated, INTERPOL still had to

INTERPOL’s Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files (CCF’s) third session of the year occurred from October 16th to the 20th. As no further sessions are publicly scheduled for this year, this will likely be the last session during which the CCF will review INTERPOL notice subjects’ requests for notice removal and access to information.  

In our last post, we discussed the issue of former Red Notice subjects facing difficulty upon entry to the United States, even though their Red Notices had been removed. Today’s focus is on whether to apply for one and when to do so.

How do I know if I could benefit from a Redress Control

Today, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued new agency-wide guidelines regarding how its employees will address situations in which Red Notices and Diffusions exist.

The guidelines, found here, contain several important provisions that should significantly affect the experiences of people who seek immigration benefits or relief while being the subjects of Red

Estlund Law is proud to share the news that INTERPOL has removed the Red Notice in the name of our client, Derek Ong, a former executive at Deutsche Bank. After enduring the impact of 13 years of politically motivated charges against him, he has regained the freedom to travel, conduct business, and participate in everyday

INTERPOL released a Blue Notice following Japan’s Foreign Ministry ordering GaaSyy to return his passport after police obtained an arrest warrant over celebrity defamation and threat allegations.  GaaSyy, whose real name is Yoshikazu Higashitani, allegedly threatened three people, including actor Go Ayano, in his YouTube videos. In the videos, he is accused of

The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s files(CCF) has recently released its Annual Report for 2021. Notably discussed within the report was the processing of 1,579 cases, 651 of which were complaints. This series of posts will comprehensively review the 651 complaints processed in 2021. 

Among the 651 Complaints processed by the CCF: