The first post in this series discussed Turkey’s recent detention of 56 individuals being sought with Red Notices. Today’s post will describe Turkey’s turbulent history with INTERPOL and how it affects the country’s credibility today. 

Turkey’s current and recent INTERPOL abuse

Although Turkey has been caught seeking improper INTERPOL Red Notices several times, its abuse

In the last post, I addressed the issue of INTERPOL’s involvement in financial disputes arising from debts owed by individuals to financial institutions in the UAE. Today, the focus expands to the broader question of how some member countries abuse INTERPOL’s tools, specifically Red Notices, when they seek to resolve private disputes.

INTERPOL is prohibited

 This post is an updated version of the original, which was published in July of 2011.


How could INTERPOL shield itself from being used as a political weapon against a corrupt country’s own people? In a previous post, I referenced an article by CNN writer Libby Lewis entitled, “Are some countries abusing Interpol?”