INTERPOL’s annual General Assembly of 2022
INTERPOL’s General Assembly is an annual event hosted for INTERPOL’s member countries to discuss and vote on varying global law enforcement issues. The 90th annual General Assembly meeting will be held this year in New Delhi, India, from October 18th to the 22nd. The traditionally 4-day event is always hosted by one of INTERPOL’s member countries. Attending representatives vote on issues to ensure that INTERPOL is meeting the needs of its member countries. The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body and there are either one or several representatives (typically police chiefs and ministry officials) elected from each of INTERPOL’s current 195 member countries. Each country may cast one vote on issues discussed.
The agenda each year includes:
- Discussion on the principles and measures needed for INTERPOL to reach its objectives.
- Election of new members of the Executive Committee, the governing body which provides guidance and direction in between sessions of the Assembly.
- Discussion and approval of INTERPOL’s activities and financial plans for the coming year.
- Observation of current major crime trends and security threats facing the world.
- Resolutions which are voted on by member countries.
In the next post, we’ll look at the methods that will be used to address issues raised during the 90th GA.
As always, thoughts and comments are welcomed.