Last month, I had the pleasure of presenting at a panel seminar along with several colleagues from the public and private sectors, listed here.
The program, presented by the ABA National Security Committee and International Law Section program, was entitled, “Latest Developments in INTERPOL’s Fight Against Transnational Repression.” The link to the program video is here.
My discussion of the following topics is found at the times listed below:
- 45:10: CCF response times
- 48:55, Child Custody matters related to INTERPOL (Yellow and Red Notices)
- 55:34, NCB issues- what an NCB won’t do, who data belongs to, and NCB officials being bribed
- 1:32:18: NGOs providing information and assisting Red Notice subjects
- 1:32:52: Green notices and their current use for varying types of crimes
As always, thoughts and comments are welcomed.