It has recently come to our attention that another law firm and/or its marketing team has plagiarized the contents of the Estlund Law, P.A. website, resulting in false online representations that it is affiliated with Estlund Law, P.A. or Michelle Estlund.
(While imitation is flattering, that action is unethical. It is also curious that a firm advertising INTERPOL representation – which requires written submissions on behalf of clients- chooses not to write its own content.)
Estlund Law, P.A. and Michelle Estlund have no partnership or ongoing formal relationship with any other law firm that is not expressly stated by Estlund Law, P.A. or Michelle Estlund.
Any person who has not spoken directly with Michelle Estlund and who has not executed an engagement agreement with Estlund Law, P.A. after consulting with Michelle Estlund is not a client of Estlund Law, P.A. or Michelle Estlund.
If any person has any doubts as to whether they have contracted with Estlund Law, P.A. or Michelle Estlund for any legal services or representation, they are encouraged to contact Estlund Law at +1.305.448.0077 or